Delivering fast and easy transactions just got much easier. Check out the NCR 7895e imager, designed expressly for the high volume and precision demands of supermarket and mass merchandise retailers. NCR’s next-gen scanner/scale includes all the latest top-of-the-line features that boost performance to the next level with the minimum of cashier effort and training.Your cashiers will appreciate how the NCR 7895’s all‑imaging scan capability and aggressive label-capture performance whisks through their purchases. Featuring the largest imaging scan zone in its class, it instantly captures virtually every printed or electronic 1-D or 2-D barcode, reading almost every label on the first pass with sophisticated algorithms that electronically restore damaged, wrinkled and poorly printed barcodes on the fly.
Increase Throughput
The NCR RealScan 7895e is a high performance bi-optic imager that provides 6-sided scanning capability with an excellent first-pass read rate. It also supports multiple symbologies, including 1D, 2D, mobile bar codes, and Digimarc, and it is available
in different lengths to accommodate a variety of checkstand configurations.
It is ideal for use in traditional checkout lanes or selfcheckout. Its intuitive ScanAdvisor light bar provides cashiers and consumers with instant visual feedback when items are successfully scanned.
Optimise the Scan Zone
Not only does the RealScan 7895e have six-sided all‑imaging scan capability with aggressive top-down performance, but it features the largest imaging scan zone in its class. Increased performance and high first pass read rates are achieved through the use of NCR’s PACESETTER™ technology which can count, grade, and repair problem bar codes.
Reduce training for cashiers
The RealScan 7895e includes ScanDoctor which provides voice feedback, so your cashiers not only see a simple error code when there is an issue, but also hear a friendly reassuring voice guiding them through the process, and a suite of tools is available for managing the scanner.